Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Note to self: "Is there too much fashion?" (Gasp)

I can remember a time when you could clearly pick the 'Its' from the 'Nots'. You know, the girls that had IT, that innate fashion sense - they knew how to put it together, your salivary glands became happy (in an inspired way). I'm not just talking about glamming it up. They took a look and made it their own, whatever it was, it was signature. Cut to... 2007, fashion is everywhere! Gift or curse? Wherever the eye can see, 'she' is begging to make THE statement, sometimes only clear to her (sorry honey). What did it? What got us here? Was it Sex in the City, pop tart music videos, Mary Kate & Ashley or just accessibility?? Think H&M, Forever21 - Steve & Barry's or any mall store. It's cheap, it's cute, sometimes really nice! Giving options to those that didn't have them before. Some come off funky, others, I must tip my hat (get'em girl!) and then there are those who, well.... Too many looks, not enough mirror time??? You might growl "Live and let live", let them have their expressive fun! 'WHATEV!!'.

I'd say some 'rules of thumb' must be applied. Here are a few we here at SSFF have picked up along the way:
a. *Too much top, no no bottom* - meaning, if you've got the girls/twins/jewels on display, keep the lower extremities simple, conservative even. You'll surely win chic, sophisticated points.
b. *Stay in your lane!* - Ok, classic chic meets punk rocka girl meets ghetto-fabu = A HOT MESS. Pick one element and build around it. If you're second guessing, TAKE IT OFF.
c. *Fleshy? Be flat" - You've seen her, you don't want to be THAT girl. If you are going short and have more skin than fabric... Wear flats, heels raise the sex barometer. Be sexy, not slutty - please.

So I ask you, is there too much Fashion? Carrie???

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